Storage and Maintenance of Argonics Products
If you’re going to be stocking or not installing our products right away, there are a few things to remember as far as storing them.
If a urethane product will be out of service or in storage while waiting to be installed for long periods of time, protect it from the elements. Prolonged solar heat can cause thermal decomposition and stagnant water may promote hydrolysis, both of which can degrade performance over time.
As explained further in this post, hydrolysis is when the urethane is subjected to degradation–the chemical breakdown of the urethane–caused by exposure to humidity.
Hydrolysis normally takes place in inactive concrete central mixer drum liners where humidity has a chance to become stagnant and degrade the liner. Although Argonics liners are often installed in hot, wet, moist places it is best that they be stored in dry areas out of direct sunlight to prolong their life while out of service.
Stocked urethane parts should also be stored out of direct sunlight because UV light can cause discoloration. And tightly sealing a product–whether in a closed storage shed or wrapped tightly in plastic–can often cause damage because it blocks free airflow.
Along with storage, maintaining liners while in storage can drastically increase the overall life of your liner. Liners should be inspected as often as possible, inspect for gouges or tears in the liner. For ceramic liners, inspect for any missing or damaged ceramics. If a gouge or tear occurs, a polyurethane-based caulking adhesive can be used to fill holes or fix damaged areas. The affected area should be cleaned, dried, stripped of grease or other contaminants, and patched. This should be done as soon as possible to retard the size of the tear. For missing ceramic parts, fill the hole or damaged area with adhesive.
Seams are generally the most susceptible areas to damage. If material penetration starts to cause problems along a liner seam, damage can quickly spread. Seams should be inspected often, and resealed or repaired as required.
If these guidelines are followed, Argonics products that are stocked or stored for future use should be in great shape when they’re put into service.
Tags: argonics, hydrolysis, mixer drum liners