New product alert: Liners with wear indicator!
Are you looking for a reliable and durable solution to protect your equipment from abrasion and wear? Look no further than Argonics’ Kryptane® polyurethane liners with wear indicator!
These lightweight, flexible liners are available in sheets 1/2″ thick or thicker and provide excellent protection against abrasion. The 1/4″ thick contrasting color wear indicator allows you to quickly identify when it is time to replace them.
Our liners are available in standard size sheets or custom sizes, on any of our backings including fabric, expanded, weldable or solid metal. With these versatile and long-lasting liners, you can have peace of mind knowing that your equipment is in good hands!
Key features of the liner include:
- 1/4″ thick wear indicator layer of the same durometer urethane as the rest of the sheet
Argonics’ Kryptane® polyurethane liners’ wear indicator layer is made from the same type of urethane material as the rest of the sheet. This contrasting color indicator will alert you when it’s time to replace your liner and ensure that your equipment is always protected against abrasion and wear.
- Available in standard size sheets or custom sizes
Argonics’ Kryptane® polyurethane liners provide the ultimate wear protection for your equipment. Not only are they lightweight, flexible and highly abrasion-resistant, but they also come in a variety of sizes to meet whatever needs you may have. Whether you’re looking for standard size sheets or custom liners, Argonics has got you covered!
- Lightweight, flexible and provide excellent abrasion resistance
Argonics’ Kryptane® polyurethane liners provide the ultimate wear protection for your equipment, thanks to their lightweight, flexible and highly abrasion-resistant properties. These sheets are designed to be both durable and resilient, withstanding a wide range of temperatures and pressures while offering excellent resistance against wear and tear. With a variety of sizes available, from standard size sheets or custom liners, you can rest assured that your equipment is always protected against abrasion and wear.
- Available on any sheets 1/2″ thick or thicker, including fabric, expanded, weldable and solid metal backings
Argonics’ Kryptane® polyurethane liners are designed with a variety of backings, including fabric, expanded metal, weldable or solid metal. This makes them ideal for any application where wear and abrasion resistance are required.
- Ideal applications include bins, hoppers, turnheads, augers/screws and more
Liners are a great way to protect your equipment from wear and tear. With liners, you can safeguard bins, hoppers, turnheads, augers/screws and more against abrasion and other types of damage.
Argonics’ Kryptane liners provide the most complete protection for your equipment. Not only are they lightweight and flexible but also highly resistant to temperature changes as well as pressure – all while offering excellent abrasion resistance. Furthermore, the 1/4″ thick contrasting color wear indicator ensures that you can easily tell when it’s time to replace your liners. So if you want to make sure that your equipment remains protected at all times, consider investing in Argonics’ liners today!
Download the brochure and contact us today for more information!