Redi-Liner Dual Durometer Ceramic Modular Lining System
Product: | Redi-Liner Dual Durometer Ceramic |
Product Category: | Flow & Anti-Wear |
Location: | Hill View Quarries, Dromana, Victoria, Australia |
Conveyed Material: | Granite rock, 15” (400mm) |
Existing Wear Liner Installed: | Abrasion-resistant steel plate |
Rate: | 350 tons per hour, 8 foot (2.5m) drop |
Installation Date: | 14 months to date |
Problem Description:
This customer in Australia was originally dropping granite lumps 8 feet onto a 60° panel protected by a 5/8”-thick bisalloy plate. This plate was only lasting 5 days, requiring a shutdown to replace it weekly.

Redi-Liner Polyurethane in place at the bottom of the chute at the Hill View Quarries
First, a solid 2” polyurethane wear panel was tested, which lasted 3 days.
Next, an Argonics dual durometer ceramic Redi-Liner panel was tested. This 12” x 12” x 4” panel was made up of a 63 Shore A durometer bottom with a 93 Shore A durometer top, with 1-1 ∕2” ceramic cubes. This panel has lasted 14 months.