Redi-Liner Ceramic Modular Lining System (2010)
Product: | Redi-Liner Ceramic Modular Lining System |
Product Category: | Flow & Anti-Wear |
Location: | Leslie Vale Quarry, Tasmania, Australia |
Conveyed Material: | Material |
Existing Wear Liner Installed: | Crushed dolerite, 2-3/8” (60mm) |
Rate: | 250 tons per hour |
Date of First Service Inspection: | May 2011 |
Installation Date: | May 2011 |
Problem Description:

Photo taken on site at Leslie Vale Quarry 15 months after installation
Leslie Vale Quarry produces more than 700,000 tons a year of high-quality hard rock dolerite products, supplying the construction industry with high-quality aggregate in road base materials. In addition to their fixed plants, at Leslie Vale they operate a modern fleet of trackmounted mobile crushing and screening plants, comprising primary, secondary and tertiary units, screens and pugmills. The plant can be configured to suit many applications with crushing and screening units having a production capacity of up to 250 tons an hour. A consequence of the volume of their crushing operations was the high frequency of replacement of the existing steel wear liner, lasting on average only 5 months.
“Your follow-up phone call has come just at the right time because I need to re-order a new panel. The Redi-Liner Ceramic Lining System has lasted for over 3 years. It is so much better than the Hardox panels that I used previously, and has far exceeded my expectations.”