Our patented Load Zone™ impact bars are made of Kryptane® polyurethane and are engineered to absorb and disperse the forces of impact.
The Load Zone impact bar provides maximum protection for your belt surface and is produced exclusively by Argonics. UHMW is bonded to high performance Kryptane® urethane, creating a single piece construction and eliminating open bolt holes as found on other bars. These layers are supported by an engineered insert that provides strength.
Our bars accept a standard 1/2″ (12mm) grade 8 bolt and washer instead of a costly T-bolt, reducing hardware costs. Multiple formulations are available, including MSHA-approved flame retardant formulas.
- 3∕4 inch thick Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW)
wear surface - Heavy-duty extruded aluminum insert for increased
support and strength - Replacement bar for most beds on the market
- No expensive T-bolt required
- Less rebound than rubber impact bars
- Reduces costs
- Decreases downtime
- Reduces maintenance time
- Reduces material spillage
- Minimizes belt damage
- Settles bulk product faster
- Longer time in between replacement
View the video about Argonics’ new impact bars: